Social Media

Misinformation Exposure Beyond Traditional Feeds: Evidence from a WhatsApp Deactivation Experiment in Brazil

n most advanced democracies, concerns about the spread of misinformation are typically associated with feed-based social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. These platforms also account for the vast majority of research on the topic. However, …

Survey Professionalism: New Evidence from Web Browsing Data

Online panels have become an important resource for research in political science, but the financial compensation involved incentivizes respondents to become survey professionals, which raises concerns about data quality. We provide evidence on …

Doubt the Messenger:The reputation cost of fact-checking

This article presents a novel experiment measuring the reputation and ideological costs fact-checkers face when informing voters about the accuracy of messages. The study examines how exposure to the counter and pro-attitudinal fact-checking messages …

The Effects of Sustained Exposure to Fact-checking Information: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Twitter

Social media companies and civic society rely heavily on fact-checking to counter misinformation. While numerous studies have shown the efficacy of single-shot corrective interventions, the effects of sustained exposure to fact-checking information …

Network Activated Frames: Content Sharing and Perceived Polarization in Social Media

Our paper describes how the sharing behavior of interconnected users alters the frequencies of content observed by social media peers. Changes in the frequency of distinct frame elements, in different regions of a social network, shape how …

The Effect of Streaming Chat on Perceptions of Debates

We investigate how streaming chatboxes may shape perceptions of political events. We conducted a field experiment during the September 2019 Democratic Primary Debate where subjects were assigned to view the debate with or without streaming chatboxes. …

News by popular demand: Ideology, Reputation, and Issue Attention in Social Media News Sharing

Social media news sharing has become a central subject of scholarly research in communication studies. To test current theories, it is of the utmost importance to estimate meaningful parameters of news sharing behavior from observational data. In …

Partisan Cues and Perceived Risks: The effect of partisan social media frames during the Covid-19 crisis in Mexico

We present the results of a survey experiment designed to evaluate the effects of social media exposure on perceptions of personal health and job risks during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Our framing experiment treats respondents to positive and …

Connective Effervescence and Streaming Chat During Political Debates

Recent advancements in online streaming technologies have re-centered the audience as an important part of live broadcasts, including live political events. In fall 2020, each of the U.S. presidential and vice presidential debates were streamed on a …

Trustful Voters, Trustworthy Politicians: A Survey Experiment on the Influence of Social Mediain Politics

Recent increases in uncivil dialogue, political polarization, and fake news in social media raise questions about the relationship between negative online messages and the decline in political trust. We implement atrust game in a survey experiment …